Competition Night This Wednesday, September 18

Sep 17, 2013 Comments Off on Competition Night This Wednesday, September 18 by

Our first competition of the season is this Wednesday, September 18, 2013.

Digital submissions for this competition are due by the end of the day Monday, September 15, 2013. You can submit your entries to

You can expect a confirmation of receipt of images from David by the end of the day Tuesday, September 16. If you do not see any confirmation email, please reach out to me so we can fix the issue.

For digital image submission guidelines please reference our website’s Rules and Guidelines page, under sections V – DIGITAL IMAGES and VI – DIGITAL FILE SPECIFICATIONS.

The assigned subject for September is Silhouettes.

Print submissions are accepted until 7:15 pm the evening of the competition. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:30pm.

Our judges for this competition are:


John Arabolos is an Assistant Professor and Professional Interior Designer & Artist in Residence, at the University of New Haven.  He has been a registered practicing Interior Designer in the State of Connecticut since 1974, and is the principal of the West Haven, CT, design firm, “Arabolos Design Associates” founded in 1982.

John’s artwork is an investigation of “Chaotic” patterns found in nature.  In March 2005 John published his first book about his art titled, “Chaotic Symmetries – The Artwork of John Arabolos”©.   A second book is planned relative to his current artwork and titled “The Fabric of Life Series“©.   Based upon the underlying principals within his artwork, in July of 2008 John filed a patent for a new “Disruptive Technology” for creating systemic morphological pattern sequencing. This design methodology enables the creation of an infinite number of self referential patterns from any given pictorial reference.

You can see John’s work at his website,

John is a returning judge for the Club


Dorothy is a photographer and digital imaging consultant.   Her work includes design and advertising, product, architecture, lifestyle and fine art photography.  She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop. She has taught Photoshop at ICP and now teaches privately.

From her website:

“Visualizing and designing, from the capture in the camera to digital darkroom processing to print, with my clients or on my own, is the most wonderful environment I can possibly imagine.  Continuously being challenged in new ways to create compelling images that transport the soul while conveying the details, all the time staying abreast of new and changing technology, is a consuming passion.  It is incredibly exciting being in this field today.”

She lives with her family in Greenwich.

You can see Dorothy’s work at her website,

Dorothy is a returning judge for the Club

SPC is pleased to welcome our new judge:


These are a few excerpts from David’s website:

“I have been an artist for over 30 years working with oils, gouache, photography, and mixed-media.  I studied at Silvermine College of Art and Connecticut College.  When the combination of digital photography and digital manipulation software arrived, I found the opportunities fantastic and unlimited…

“When I switched from film to digital, the digital darkroom opened up whole new vistas for expressing my visual ideas.  My two main areas of focus, currently, are the reinvention of the still life and the re-imaging of the portrait.  My training as a painter is solidly reflected in my work as a digital photo artist.  As a painter I built my canvases using layers upon layers to create the depth and complexity of the composition and the colors.  Each work required understanding about how each layer would interact with the paint beneath it.  I use the same technique in my digital art.  I build the image using layers of images, colors, and textures to create my vision…

“I continue to hone my craft shooting a variety of subjects.  Equestrian, polo, landscape, and traditional portrait photography are some of the areas in which I work at constantly looking for a fresh approach, a new angle, or a new combination of styles to give my art a fresh and contemporary look while retaining a solid grounding in classic techniques.”

You can see David’s work at his website

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